Tyvärr så måste jag göra er besvikna – IOK och poker i samma mening kommer att dröja ett tag till. Påståendet att IOK klassar poker som en sport lät alldeles för bra för att vara sant, en sån stor nyhet skulle alla medier få reda på samtidigt men ingen information gick att hitta någon annanstans än hos just den här kvällstidningen. Man menade att IOK har tagit beslut på att klassa poker som en sport och kvällstidningen påstod att de hade varit i direktkontakt med presidenten för internationella pokerförbundet (IFP), tillika proffsspelaren och författaren Anthony Holden, som påstods säga att det var ”ett fantastiskt genombrott”. Jag mailade Holden för att kolla om det låg någon sanning bakom ryktena överhuvudtaget. Vi synade bluffen helt enkelt, så här skriver Anthony Holden i sitt svar:”The internet appears to be awash with unconfirmed reports that the International Federation of Poker (IFP) has been formally accepted as a member of the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA). IMSA membership is one of IFP’s publicly declared goals, and we have put in much work towards that end over the past year. Despite very encouraging signs, however, we are not there yet. An accurate account of the current situation runs as follows: In order for IFP to secure a global membership and be recognised in as many countries as possible, IFP requires poker to be recognised as a game of skill – a ”Mind Sport” and is, therefore, to become a member of both Sportaccord and the International Mind Sports Association. IFP is working with Sportaccord President, Hein Verbruggen, and Executive Director, Mrs Nolvenn Dufay de Lavallaz, for IFP to become a full member of Sportaccord. IFP will be an observer at the 2010 Sportaccord Congress in Dubai on 30 April 2010 with IFPs application to become a full member of Sportaccord being presented for approval at the 2011 Congress to be held in London. IMSA is a collective of Sportaccord Members which are designated as mind sports. IMSA is a non-profit organisation whose current members are the World Bridge Federation (WBF), World Chess Federation (FIDE), World Draughts Federation (FMJD) and International Go Federation (IGF). The goal of IMSA is to ensure different Mind Sport Federations pursue common aims and interests, and to organise world events – World Mind Sports Games – under the aegis of Sportaccord. The development of IMSA events is entirely consistent with the vision of Sportaccord for its members to unite through multi-sports events. The principles for IFP to become a member of IMSA have been discussed at length with IMSA President, Jos Damiani (President of the World Bridge Federation). IFP will be attending the 2010 IMSA Executive Council Meetings in Dubai from 27 to 29 April, during the Sportaccord International Convention, with the aim of becoming an immediate (provisional) Member of IMSA as it continues to secure the requisite number of national members and becomes a fully recognised member of Sportaccord. with best wishes, Anthony Holden President, International Federation of Poker (IFP)